Category: Android


Convert String to int in Java

Some times we need to convert String to int in Java for android purposes. This is fairly easy using Integer class. This can be achieved by two methods: 1. Using Integer.parseInt() Using parseInt() method of Integer class we...

Flashing NodeMCU firmware to ESP8266 module 0

Flashing NodeMCU firmware to ESP8266 module

Hello Guys in this tutorial we will be flashing NodeMCU firmware to ESP8266 a low-cost Wi-Fi-enabled microchip with micro-controller capability. Using this module we can create connected nodes which can do IOT related stuff. 1. Requirements ESP8266...

Working with Firebase Remote Config for Android 0

Working with Firebase Remote Config for Android

In this post we will be covering how to use Firebase Remote config for Android application. Follow this tutorial for basic setup to use Firebase related service in your project. Use Case Remote config is useful...

Working with Google Firebase 0

Working with Google Firebase

In this series of post we will be looking on how to integrate Google Firebase in our Android application. Firebase is a technology that permits you to make web applications with no server-side programming...

Installing Tomcat8 on Raspberry pi 3 0

Installing Tomcat 8 on Raspberry pi 3

In this tutorial we will be installing tomcat8 on Raspberry pi 3. I have already installed Raspbian on my pi3 which comes with java8 installed. Check Java Version Lets kick start our work with checking java...

Java8 Lambda expression tutorial 0

Java8 Lambda expression tutorial

In this tutorial we will be looking at lambda expressions which are very popular now a days. Lambdas can reduce a lot of boilerplate code like anonymous object creation etc. This tutorial is created...


How to add Video in android splash screen ?

In this tutorial we will be adding VideoView in our android apps splash screen. Splash screen is shown when you app starts upon clicking of app icon. Splash screen is generally 2-4 sec long. We had...

Adding TextWatcher on EditText using Rxjava and RxBinding 0

Adding TextWatcher on EditText using Rxjava and RxBinding

In this tutorial we will be adding TextWatcher on an EditText using RxBinding. RxBinding is a set of libraries that allow you to react to user interface events via the RxJava paradigm . This post is included in series of...

Introduction to NodeMCU (ESP8266) – IOT 0

Introduction to NodeMCU (ESP8266) – IOT

Today we will be looking one of the popular Internet of Things(IOT) device ESP8266. This small module allows micro-controllers to connect to a Wi-Fi network and make simple TCP/IP connections using Hayes-style commands. What the heck is...

Replace Android AsyncTask with RxJava 0

Replace Android AsyncTask with RxJava

Today is the day when we will say goodbye to AsyncTask. It will be replaced by our new friend RxJava which is quite in news now a days. We will be covering how RxJava...