RxJava Android Tutorials
In this series of posts i will be covering RxJava which can used in android for asynchronous work. It extends the observer pattern to support sequences of data/events and adds operators that allow you to compose...
In this series of posts i will be covering RxJava which can used in android for asynchronous work. It extends the observer pattern to support sequences of data/events and adds operators that allow you to compose...
Given a string and set of dictionary words, determine if string can be segmented into a space-separated sequence of one or more dictionary words. Example: Input String : “ILOVEANDROIDSRC” Dictionary Words: {“A”, “AN”, “AND”, “DROID”, “ANDROID”,”I”,...
Android platform offers system-level device management capabilities through the Device Administration APIs. If an application package component is registered as system administrator, it can provide device administration features at the system level. An active...
Alias for an activity which is specified with targetActivity attribute. Target activity should be in same application to that of alias. Target activity has to be declared before alias in manifest file. activity-alias can have...
You will be given two sequences and you have to find the length of longest subsequence common to both of them. A subsequence is a sequence that appears in the same relative order, but not...
Volley is a networking library that manages network requests and their response caches without the developer having to write a lot of “boilerplate” code. Volley implements tools that allow for simultaneous requests to run...
For text of length N and pattern of length M, naive algorithm will match text string with pattern by incrementing index 1 by 1. Whenever a mismatch occurs after K matches, we will discard...
Producer Consumer Problem is well-known example of multi-process synchronization problem. It is described as synchronization problem over a fixed size data buffer implemented as queue being modified by two or more different processes referred as...
Ever wondered, How do we launch application from Browser? For applications already installed in your device, if you visit eCommerce like amazon, ebay or entertainment website they will show you link to navigate to...
PopupMenu shows floating Menu in a popup window anchored to a view. PopupMenu was added with API level 11. PopupMenu itself decides its position on screen around anchor view based upon available space. If there is...