Category: Android

How to Backup and Reset an Android Phone 0

How to Backup and Reset an Android Phone

If you’ve ever accidentally erased important files or apps on your phone, you’re probably grateful that you backed up your phone and saved the data. Between software updates and app installs, it’s better to...

Using RxJava with Retrofit2 0

Using RxJava with Retrofit2

In this tutorial we will look how to use Retrofit2 and RxJava with each other. We will be using lambda expressions to reduce our boilerplate code. Have a look at this tutorial for setting up RetroLambda in your...

Android Activity Launch Mode Example: Detailed Explaination 0

Android Activity Launch Mode Example: Detailed Explaination

We often get confused with Android Activity Launch Mode when we see android:launchMode attribute associated with <activity> element in manifest file, it defines the way it will be associated to a task. A task is a collection of...


Android Application Build Overview

The Android build system is the toolkit you use to build, test, run and package your apps. The build system can run as an integrated tool from the Android Studio menu and independently from...

Creating Android App with plugin Architecture – Tutorial 0

Creating Android App with plugin Architecture – Tutorial

There are times when your apps become overloaded with functionality which all users don’t need. You can create a MAIN Application and rest of the functionality can be provided by child apps as plugins. User can download...

Create and Display PDF within Android Application 0

Create and Display PDF within Android Application

Embedding functionality to Create and Display PDF within Android Application can increase engagement of your user significantly. Rather than asking user to bounce off to other pdf viewer application, we will create an application with...

Google Maps Android API v2 – Tutorial 0

Google Maps Android API v2 – Tutorial

Google Maps Android API v2, you can add google maps to your android application. It handles access to Google Maps servers, data downloading, map display, and response to map gestures. API’s can be used...