Category: Android

Android Live wallpaper Tutorial 0

Android Live wallpaper Tutorial

Live Wallpapers are animated , interactive backgrounds for the Android home screen. A live wallpaper is similar to other Android applications and can use most of the same functionality. How to create a live wallpaper...


Create Thumbnail From Video in Android Application

Thumbnails can easily be created in Android Application using ThumbnailUtils. If you want to create thumbnail from video, you need to specify file path for your video and thumbnail size MICRO or MINI type. Using ThumbnailUtils,...


Android FlashLight Torch Application Development Tutorial

With help of android Camera and Camera.Parameters, we will develop Android Flashlight Torch Application. FlashLight Application 1. Preparing Application Manifest File For accessing Camera, we need to declare uses-permission to use it along with uses-feature. 2. Preparing UI...


Android Splash Screen Tutorial

Android splash screen is used so that apps can show their brand icons before showing the content of app. This may also used to do some background work in  your application like loading resources...

Android Pull To Refresh View using SwipeRefreshLayout 0

Android Pull To Refresh View using SwipeRefreshLayout

Android support library provides support for in-built Android Pull To Refresh View using SwipeRefreshLayout. SwipeRefreshLayout should be used whenever the user can refresh the contents of a view via a vertical swipe gesture. Activities having SwipeRefreshLayout view...


Creating simple Android Custom View

You may be wondering why you would ever want to create a custom view. Android comes with many views already, and these views follow behaviors that the user expects and has grown accustomed to...

Facebook chat like floating chat heads 0

Facebook chat like floating chat heads

Facebook recently released a new feature in Facebook Messenger in which the chat from person floats on screen instead of residing inside conventional application. This feature is very continent for multitasking as user can...

How to use AsyncTask in Android Application – Tutorial 0

How to use AsyncTask in Android Application – Tutorial

Today we will be learning about how to use AsyncTask in Android Application. Every Android app use Thread to do some background work. But when it come to Threads there is always some confusion in...


Drag and Drop Android

With the Android drag/drop framework, you can allow your users to move data from one View to another View in the current layout using a graphical drag and drop gesture. The framework includes a...