Author: proxyadmin

Producer Consumer Problem Java : Detailed Explaination 0

Producer Consumer Problem Java : Detailed Explaination

Producer Consumer Problem is well-known example of multi-process synchronization problem. It is described as synchronization problem over a fixed size data buffer implemented as queue being modified by two or more different processes referred as...

Android PopupMenu : Show floating menu anchored to a view 0

Android PopupMenu : Show floating menu anchored to a view

PopupMenu shows floating Menu in a popup window anchored to a view. PopupMenu was added with API level 11. PopupMenu itself decides its position on screen around anchor view based upon available space. If there is...

Android PopupWindow : Show Tooltip Help Text 0

Android PopupWindow : Show Tooltip Help Text

PopupWindow is used to show floating view on display at specified position. It’s a floating container that appears on top of current activity. PopupWindow can have their own layout and can be set after inflating...

OOPS Concepts: Association, Aggregation and Composition 0

OOPS Concepts: Association, Aggregation and Composition

With Object Oriented Programming, we aim for better and easy representation of real world objects. Above oops concepts define relationship between two objects.  These relationship define basic functionality which constitutes to OOPS. Association It defines...


Android IntentService: Working and advantages of using them

IntentService handles asynchronous requests sent as Intents on demand basis. Request is made via startService(Intent) call. Service is started if needed and it will handled all the requests in turn using a background thread. It will stop...


Android Web Crawler Example : Multithreaded Implementation

Web Crawler program automates task of indexing website pages.  It is also referred as Web Spidering and used extensively by Search Engines to provide effective and updated results for user search query. Typical usage of...


Create Thumbnail From Video in Android Application

Thumbnails can easily be created in Android Application using ThumbnailUtils. If you want to create thumbnail from video, you need to specify file path for your video and thumbnail size MICRO or MINI type. Using ThumbnailUtils,...