Category: Android

Mobile Phone Resets 0

Mobile Phone Resets

Most people do not think about resetting their mobile phones very often. Most people reset their mobile phones when they break the screen or when unexpected things happen, such as the phone getting stolen...

How to fix a water damaged phone 0

How to fix a water damaged Phone

There are few things more heartbreaking than finding out your phone has water damage. No amount of backup photos, videos, and text messages can protect you from losing those precious memories. That’s why it’s...

How to save a phone dropped in water 0

How to save a Phone dropped in water

Dropped your phone in water? Don’t panic. Most modern phones have water-resistance capabilities, and there are ways to save them. Grab a damp towel and put it on the phone. (This trick is for...

Android phone powers itself off and on 0

Android Phone Powers itself off and on

Android users have an annoying problem: their phones often turn off and turn back on by themselves. It’s nothing the developers can fix, but knowing what to do when it happens can help prevent...