Category: Android

Image downloading and caching with Picasso Library 0

Image downloading and caching with Picasso Library

Picasso Library is very powerful tool for avoiding Bitmap handling in your application. It takes care of displaying image efficiently in ImageView from local sdcard, network or application resource. All of this can be done in single...

Android Loopers and Handlers – Detailed explanation 0

Android Loopers and Handlers – Detailed explanation

Today we will like to give a short introduction to two nice classes – Looper and Handler. They are used in Android UI internally, and available to us developers so we can do some cool things with their...

LRU Cache : Java Implementation 0

LRU Cache : Java Implementation

LRU Cache (Page Replacement Scheme) LRU Cache is designed for finding the location of desired page on disk. It maintains a cache of page number and its location on disk. Whenever there is a...

Android Client-Server Using Sockets – Client Implementation 0

Android Client-Server Using Sockets – Client Implementation

In this Android Client-Server Using Sockets post we will be focusing on client side implementation. We have covered Server side implementation in our previous post “Android Client-Server Using Sockets – Server Implementation” Implementation Details In this...

Android Client-Server Using Sockets – Server Implementation 2

Android Client-Server Using Sockets – Server Implementation

In this Android Client-Server Using Sockets post series we will be focusing on server side implementation. We have covered Client side implementation in our previous post “Android Client-Server Using Sockets – Client Implementation” Android has very...

Android Custom Attributes in View 0

Android Custom Attributes in View

In this tutorial we will be creating custom view for android with custom xml attributes. This provide users flexibility to control the view from xml layout itself. Users can use android defined attributes but users...

Creating Custom EditText containing TextIcon 0

Creating Custom EditText containing TextIcon

In this tutorial i will show how to create a EditText which will show some info on right of EditText. Sometimes we need to show some kind of hint or data next to EditText...

Create flavors of Android App on same CodeBase 0

Create flavors of Android App on same CodeBase

In this post i will cover how to create flavors of android app like paid version and free version. Problem with previous Solutions One way to do this is to create two codebase for...

Setting up Android studio – Tutorial 0

Setting up Android studio – Tutorial

In this tutorial we will be setting up android studio for development of android apps.  It has been just over a year now since the first public release and Android Studio has come a...

Android booting sequence Explained 0

Android booting sequence Explained

Today we will be looking into the Android boot process. When the user press power button then the booting sequence starts. First thing that is loaded while booting Android is BOOTLOADER . CPU has...