183 Search Results

For the term "samsung".
Windows vs. Android Smartphones 0

Windows vs. Android: What’s Better & Why

Smartphones are flourishing, and Android is leading the race in market share. But Microsoft’s Windows Phone 10 is gaining some momentum, too. When it comes to smartphones, there’s no doubt that Android and windows...

Customizing the Android Home Screen 0

Customizing the Android Home Screen

The home screen (also known as the launcher) is the first screen you interact with when your phone boots up. It displays icons for apps, widgets, and folders that represent how you use your...

Smartphone Buying Tips 0

Smartphone Buying Tips

If you’re in the market for a new smartphone, chances are you’ve been bombarded with ads and advice from your friends, family, and co-workers. Chances are also high that you’re feeling overwhelmed by all...

Choosing a Smartphone Operating System 0

Choosing a Smartphone Manufacturer

Choosing a smartphone manufacturer or choosing a cell phone manufacturer brand is a big decision if you haven’t taken the time to deliberate on which brand you want. There are some factors to consider,...