183 Search Results

For the term "samsung".
Badgeprovider 0

Badgeprovider: What You Need to Know

Are you seeing a notification from BadgeProvider on your Android phone, and you are not sure what it is? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many Android phone users have seen this notification, but most...

Mic Not Working During Calls 0

Mic Not Working During Calls? Here’s What to Do

Have you ever experienced a situation where your phone’s microphone stops working during an important call, and you can’t figure out what’s wrong? Don’t worry; this is a common issue among Android users. There...

IMSLogger 0

IMSLogger for Android

Are you curious about IMSLogger on your Samsung Android device? It’s a powerful tool that can help troubleshoot network issues, but it can also drain your battery and pose security risks if not used...